Pretrial Assistance
Online Pretrial Research
When sampling and logistical conditions are met, employ our online approaches to small-scale surveys and case pretesting. We capitalize on larger sample sizes than normally available in traditional small group research, greater flexibility, and cutting-edge online methodology to get a first glimpse or a detailed look at how jurors view your case.
Success with juries requires both understanding jurors and effective communication skills. Using juror surveys and small group research, we identify juror dispositions and opinions as well as key issues and arguments that affect your case. Our case preparation promotes effective communication through effective witness preparation, evaluation of physical evidence, and crafting persuasive opening statements and closing arguments. Together our pretrial assistance maximizes your position in negotiations and at trial.
When the potential exposure or gain or the impact of an adverse jury verdict is great, juror surveys become a valuable tool that you can use to achieve success at trial.
Juror Profile Surveys
We design juror profile surveys to develop profiles of “good” and “bad” jurors, evaluate potential themes, and assess basic issues in your case.
Venue Surveys
Whether for expert testimony or for internal purposes, we can assess the impact of trying a case in different jurisdictions by polling in these jurisdictions.
Small Group Studies
Our small group research techniques allow us to pretest your case using juror-qualified residents in the trial jurisdiction. This information comes at the most useful time—before trial—when course corrections can be made in the case.
Focus Groups
Get feedback on the issues and arguments in your case from sample “jurors” in focus groups.
Trial Simulations
Our full-blown “mock trials” yield more in-depth insights into jurors’ views on issues and arguments, strengths and weaknesses of your case, witness credibility, and potential verdicts.
Case Preparation
Effective communication is critical to success at trial. Our experienced consultants help you prepare witnesses, evaluate evidence, and communicate persuasively.
Witness Preparation
Teach your witnesses to better communicate their testimony through what they say and how they say it.
Evidence Evaluation
Capitalize on how jurors process information, and present your physical evidence in the most persuasive manner.
Persuasive Communications
Use principles of persuasion to maximize the power of your opening statements and closing arguments as well as your overall presentation of the case.
Internet Database Development
Case-relevant information is often available through social media news outlets, interest groups, and/or product/entity/social issue/political issue social media pages, among other sources. We evaluate case-relevant social media information and develop instant search custom databases for uncovering critical themes/issues and store user IDs that enable you to cross-check against known social media accounts of potential jurors.
Trial Assistance
Success at trial requires intelligent jury selection and expert observation of how jurors are responding to your case. We can help you be more effective in jury selection and then, during trial, observe how jurors view your case and monitor jurors’ social media activity.
Jury Selection
Internet assessment
Use potential jurors’ internet activities (e.g., social media activity, posts, and blogs) to understand how they will view your case.
Voir dire development
Maximize voir dire by focusing on what key questions need to be asked and how the questions are phrased.
Juror questionnaires
Design juror questionnaires that uncover important information to further enhance your effectiveness in jury selection. We can design written and online questionnaires, where allowed, to maximize your effectiveness. View Supplemental Juror Questionnaires →
In-court jury selection
Evaluate jurors and the likely role they will play on the jury to increase your effectiveness in exercising peremptory challenges and challenges for cause.
Trial Monitoring
Trial observation
Observe the jury during trial to assess how jurors view your case and what adjustments can be made to increase your effectiveness.
Monitoring of jurors’ social media activities
Monitor the jurors’ social media pages (e.g., Facebook and Twitter), to reveal any publicly accessible activity (e.g., posts, shares, or discussions) related to the case.
Posttrial Assistance
Learning how jurors decided the case—both the good news and the bad news—makes good attorneys even better.
Posttrial Interviews
When allowed in the trial jurisdiction, posttrial interviews let you see how jurors arrived at their decision.
Use posttrial interviews to help you understand what happened at trial.
Analyze the feedback to determine how to try future cases more effectively.