We bring a unique, data driven, perspective to jury trials.

Waiting for the jury verdict is one of the most uncertain times in a jury trial. It is the moment of truth with many unanswered questions concerning the lead up to trial and the trial itself.



Who We Are

Jeffrey Frederick Trial Consulting Services is a jury research company located in Charlottesville, Virginia. We offer quality jury research nationwide to attorneys. Since 1975, we have assisted civil and criminal defendants, plaintiffs, and federal and state prosecutors in a wide variety of cases.


Want to be successful in your next jury trial?

Let us help you maximize the chances of a successful result. We can answer key questions for you.


Meet Our Founder

Jeffrey T. Frederick, Ph.D., is our our founder and President. He received his Masters (1979) and Ph.D. (1980) in social psychology from North Carolina State University. He has assisted attorneys since 1975 and is a nationally renowned speaker on topics related to jury selection and persuasion. He has written numerous articles and blogs and is the author of three key books in the area: Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection: Gain an Edge in Questioning and Selecting Your Jury, 4th Edition (2018); Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection: Supplemental Juror Questionnaires (2018); and The Psychology of the American Jury (1987).

Jeff’’s keen insight and advice during jury selection and trial proved invaluable. Jeff became a key member of our trial team and the result ($8 million jury verdict) was due in part to his assistance.
— Jason W. Konvicka, Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen, Richmond, VA